Here we are with our two year old!!!! I can't believe Kira is already two. The time has flown by! She got to have two little birthday parties this year. One with my family while we were in Vegas and one in Portland with all the folks she loves there.

The Barbie cake. Kira loves Barbies!!! She likes dressing them, putting their shoes and clothes on, and playing with her Barbie house. (Thanks Werner's! She loves it!)

This is just so Classic Kira. She is a big ham!

This is Kira smiling at herself in the mirror with her pretty birthday hair. I love it!

Kira's birthday do!

This is from her party in Portland. Kira loved, loved, loved the party. I think it was like heaven for her because all of her favorite people were there. She always had someone to play with. This is cake #2: the catepillar.

It was hilarious because she couldn't get the second candle to go out. As you can see from the pic, her bangs are blowing straight up, but as for the candle, didn't even flicker.

Eating her spoils. I think this is the only bit she actually ate.
Kira is such a blessing in our lives. She has a sparkling personality and is a complete socialite! She has a great capacity to love. She loves to sing and dance. Her favorite movie right now is "Up". She wants to watch it everyday. Kira loves to tease and have fun. She's always been a great gal. We love her to pieces!