The beach makes us happy! It is so relaxing for us. We decided to head to the coast for Labor Day to have a little R&R. It was a perfect day! We bundled up preparing for a chilly day at the coast and were left wishing we were in shorts. It was a perfect day! Perfect day at the beach = Happy Courtright's!
Happy Daddy
The beach in Lincoln City was awesome. They have tons of tide pools with sea anemones. Mike was tickling them so they would give us a pucker. We found tons of mussels. It was really fun. Not so fun, was nursing Chase on the beach. I didn't have my hooter hider so I was using our jackets as a make shift cover up until a dog come sniffing me out. He jumps on top of Chase while nursing and tries to get in on the action. What the? I thought dogs only like to sniff people's rears.
Yoga on the beach with Kira! Beth, you would be so proud. :)
Tillamook ice cream! Best stuff ever!
Do you think this child has seen to much nursing? Seriously. This was not a staged picture. This girl sure makes us laugh!
Oh yeah! The oyster shooters to end the trip. When I was in Chile, I ate these things live. You could squirt lemon juice on them and see them move. Then you sucked them down your gullet. I dared Mike to do it with me. These are dead of course. I think they taste better live. Just suck away and they pretty much slither down your throat.